Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy 8 months Henry

Happy 8 months Henry!

Weight: I was dying to know this month so I got on the scale with and without him and apparently he is 21.5lbs? I don't think that sounds right but then again he is alot bigger since his 6 month appt.

Length: I didn't do his length, we will have to wait until his 9 month appointment.....NEXT MONTH. GAH! time is flying.

Clothes:  He is almost grown out of 9 month stuff, he is working on 12 month stuff big time. 9 month onesie (even some 6 month ones) are the norm but sleepers with feet are getting a little short. 
Carter's had a sale so I went and stocked up for Christmas and got all size 12 mo. stuff.

Likes:  He LOVES his jumper station (that's probably not what it's called in real life, but in Lauren world that's it's name). He will stand and jump and play forever. He also is loving his bigger floor toys like his stand up farm, the ball roller coaster and the mini-piano. He has a blast rolling all over the place and getting into EVERYTHING. He is so curious these days and has a wing span that can rival Michael Jordan's. It's amazing to me how quickly he is into trouble despite not walking or crawling yet. I'm in for trouble when he can do both of those things. He loves to snuggle still and LOVES bath time.

Grouchy is so cute on him. Unfortunately. 

Trying to show his teeth to me. 

He loves his momma most of all.

Dislikes:He has had a hard time teething of course. He got another tooth that popped through and I had no idea it was even coming. It's his right bottom tooth, just next to his first one. The top ones however are in progress and he has NOT had fun with those. He cried in the car yesterday for 30 minutes. I had to pull over and try to calm him because he was just screaming. He stopped the second that I started rubbing his gums with my finger, I gave him a cool teether and a hyland's teething tablet and he was much better. Poor little guy.

All blurry but he moves too quick. 

Sleeping:Update on the cry-it-out trial. I last left off where we had a sort of rough night and then he slept through the night the next 5 in a row. Well the night after that he woke up and fussed in his crib for about 2 hours and I went in occasionally and rubbed his back and such but never picked him up. He finally fell to sleep. The night after that it only took about 30 minutes to get him back to sleep and every night after that he has woken up, I hear him fuss once or twice, he rolls over, grabs his pacifier and goes back to sleep on his own! Success!! Even with these teeth he just needs to see me, let me give him his pacifier and rub his back for litterally 5 seconds and he's back out. Thank you Dr. Grossman. LIFE. SAVER.

Eating:Still doing fantastic with food. He nurses exclusively or gets breastmilk bottles. He also gets his fruit and veggie puree and oatmeal twice daily (we are working toward lunch too). But now the big boy is working on table food! He has tried lots of new things including fresh fruit (bananas, pears, plums, apple), cooked or soft veggies (green beans, carrots, avacado), gerber puffs and yogurt melts and banana teething biscuits, and I've even given him bites of cheese tortellini, lasagna and bread, pumpkin pancake. He's done fantastic. He hasn't really refused anything except the avacados which he has hated from jump street. It's been so much fun to give him foods and see how he reacts.

Pears everywhere. 

Playing: He has a million and a half toys and he has a new favorite each day it seems. Santa, if you are reading, Henry needs clothes!

Other Milestones: He started pulling up on 11-13. He was sitting in his crib waiting for me to pick out some pajamas and I turn around and he has grabbed onto the side and started to pull himself. He did it and I sat him back down and he did it again! Time to lower the crib mattress. He can't go from laying down to sitting up just yet but if he is already sitting he will pull up and go into a crawl position on all 4's but won't move just yet. He also is saying Mama and Dada. We thought he didn't know why or when he said it and was just babbling but the other day when he was teething and crying in the car he just kept saying Maaamaaa with his arms up. I think he knows what it means.

What Dr. Grossman Said:We get to see him next month so we will see! 

Out takes of our grouchy 8 month picture session for your viewing pleasure. 

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