Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Henry's Nursery Tour

One of the things I have heard from the second people found out I was pregnant was "OMG I can't wait to see what you do with the nursery!!" I think people know how crafty and creative I am (and how addicted to pinterest I am) so therefore, they think my nursery is going to be killer from second one. Now I will admit, I am obsessed with it and very proud of our work in it. It's definitely my favorite room in our house. I love all the tiny details in there and meaningful things. It's my happy place. So without further ado, here are the pictures of the room almost completely done. I will tell you where I got each peice and such too so if you want to replicate you can!

Here is his crib wall. We got the large white frames half off at hob-lob, got the pics off the internet and blew them up to poster size at Sam's club for $5. The crib is nebraska furniture mart (remember the cribtastrophe...worth it). The hanging airplane was a steal at home goods. The left turn only sign was half off at hob-lob so was his "Ford" pillow. My grandmother, my mom and I made his car comforter, pillow, curtain (needs to be bigger, we are making a new one) and crib skirt. Easy! The dog was mine when I was little. White canvas curtains from target.

 Trashcan from walmart, and small airplanes and trucks to the left of the crib will go on shelves, all found at antique stores or hob-lob.

The little polar bear is filled with corn kernals and can be heated up in the microwave or frozen to comfort baby. LOVE IT

 This is probably my favorite part of the room so far. This is his dresser that I got at Vintage market 4 years ago for $80. His changing mat was from a friend for $2 and I have several covers just in case. Taylor installed the peg board onto a frame and then onto the wall. I love it!! There will be a shelf above this to finish it off soon. It will have a stuffed animal or two, a framed sono picture, a few of his small trucks and airplanes etc.

Here is a close up of the whole board. I still am not 100% sure everything will stay where it is but that's the beauty of pegboard. I have a million hooks and pegs so I can move things whereever I want! The pennant banners are from my baby shower that my sister made.  The baskets were from joann crafts half off. The dog is from our gender sono and when pressed plays Henry's recorded heartbeat. There are a bunch of cute burp rags rolled up for easy access too. The monster painting I made. The vintage wrench was $10 at Vintage Market and so is the letter H. The Henry picture is actually the puzzle that I made my parents put together for Christmas to find out his name. My mom glued it together and framed it. The Clock was half off at hob-lob. The Vintage Ford thermometer was a find a long time ago for Taylor.  The bottom basket has a wipes container for easy access during diaper changes. I love that it is out of my way and off the counter.

This Ford container is from hob-lob and has baby powder (which I doubt I ever use), baby lotion, a spot for a hand sanitizer pump, boogie wipes and thermometer, destin tub and pacifiers. The bolt is actually a planter for outside that I got in the garden section at hob-lob (you guessed it, half off) I'm not sure what I will put in there yet. And the vintage truck was super cheap at an antique store my mom found.

The bin is from hob-lob (half off) and holds all our diapers.

The clock is staying for now but it was also half off at hob-lob (no I don't pay full price for anything there, I refuse. I wait patiently or use coupons)

 This wall is going to be awesome. His closet door is on the left, his bedroom door to the hallway is on the right. The small part of wall on the left will have a collection of vintage car signs that we have collected for a long time for Taylor that is donating so lovingly to Henry. We are waiting to hang them until the chair/ ottoman comes in so we can decide how high to put them. It will look sort of like a gallery wall. The wall on the right will be the future home of a 2 foot tall rusted metal letter H that is on it's way.

The rocking chair was mine when I was little and will be soon replaced with his chair/ottoman and we will move the little rockers somewhere else. The Beautiful Henry blanket was a gift from my dear friend Kathy at work and is the first thing we have with his name on it:) It makes my heart happy. The lamp was $5 at a garage sale that I spray painted green. The basket was a gift from my baby shower filled with books.
 Underneath the lamp is a jar full of vintage matchbox cars that were actually my stepdad's toys when he was little.

 The old blue car was actually my grandpa's toy when he was little! The H is from hob-lob.

This is closet. I have diapers and wipes stashed on top. The clothing dividers separate clothing by size for him. The hamper was from home goods for $16 (I needed some chevron in my life, Taylor hates it, it makes him "dizzy") The brown baskets will actually go downstairs into a peice of furniture in our living room that holds three of them. One will have diapers/wipes and a changing mat. Another will hold burp rags and swaddling blankets and the third will hold misc baby stuff. That way my living room can have easily accessible baby items but not look like a daycare center.

I think I eventually want baskets on his shelves too I like the clean look of a basket vs. the cluttered look of a shelf, just haven't found anything I love yet. The top shelf has all sorts of nursing and feeding supplies. The second shelf is misc stuff like my moby baby carrier wrap and some portable changing pads. The third shelf has stuffed animals and "lovies" or snuggly things. The fourth shelf has folded diaper rags and swaddling blankets, most will be split up between the basket in the living room, underneath the basinette in our room, in our diaper bags etc. The bottom has his bumbo seat and feeding tray.
 The navy and brown baskets I got from home goods for $7 each. The hold bibs, socks/shoes, hats, toys like rattles and teethers,  and the last one has misc stuff. I will be making cute labels for each bin to make organization a breeze for my dear sweet husband.

The letter H is made of buttons and my good friend Kent made it for me for my baby shower. The tool box was a find my grandma's basement.
 The green rug came as a set of 2 (one for his sink and one for his bath tub) for $7 at home goods.

 This is the closeup of the airplane we hung.
This is in our room. I got this lamp and shade from Walmart for $10 so I can have some soft light readily available for middle of the night feedings without waking Taylor. His basinette I bought from my friend Amy for a great deal .

I think we are officially ready! Hope you enjoyed the tour. If you have any questions about anything you have seen please let me know! I also am happy to share all my antique store hot spots, most are unknown hidden gems that I am obsessed with and will be happy to share.

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