Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hospital Bag!

Alright friends so every pregnant momma has a hospital bag checklist in their brain toward the end of their pregnancy. Things you are considering taking at least. I've been thinking about it maybe a little earlier than some after they made us "high risk" which we don't really seem to be that high risk anymore. Baby is growing almost ahead of schedule so far and he seems to be doing great but being a NICU nurse I always think about pre-term labor/birth so it's been in my mind alot. I have been scouring pinterest for other people's lists and trying to see what I think I will need. The list I have made consists of this.

Momma's bag-( just my medium size vera bradley weekender duffle bag)
  • my own pillow (hospital ones are gross to me and they are not comfy).
  • a comfy outfit to go home in- probably leggings and a shirt of some sort.
  • some inexpensive black (for obvious reasons) boy short underwear that I don't mind getting ruined if it happens.
  • a few nursing bras.
  • a few comfy sleep bras -just in case the nursing ones aren't as comfortable to sleep in.
  • a few nursing cami's.
  • some nursing pads
  • a few pairs of lounge pants.
  • maybe a maternity t-shirt or two.
  • my two maternity PJ sets I got.- One is pants, nursing cami and robe set, the other is a sleep dress and robe set.
  • a zip up sweatshirt- (in case I get cold) to go over nursing cami's during the day when visitors come, I'd like to look a little more put together.
  • my makeup- yes I want to at least look okay if I feel like crap, there will be lots of pictures and visitors so sue me.
  • my hair dryer- same as above.
  • toiletries (I packed shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a new small loofa, face wash, tooth paste and tooth brush, chapstick).
  • hard candies- to suck on in labor when I'm NPO (nothing by mouth).
  • soft fuzzy socks with grippy bottoms.
  • flip flops- for the shower.
  • a few walmart sacks-for dirty clothing.
  • Insurance card
  • photo ID
Baby' stuff (which will all go in my bag)
  • a going home outfit or two (so I can change my mind).
  • a few pairs of scratch mittens and socks.
  • a cute hat or two
  • car seat.
  • a blanket to go over him in his carseat.
Daddy's bag (Taylor's backpack)
  • snacks, yes this is first important for him (things like red bull, gatorade, granola bars, snack mix bags, a few small bags of chips, candy).
  • a few pairs of lounge pants.
  • a few t-shirts.
  • a few pairs of underwear.
  • a sweatshirt.
  • some socks.
  • some jeans and some shirts for going home or daytime wear.
  • a toiletry bag (I packed him shampoo, conditioner, face wash, disposable razor, toothbrush/paste) Just in case he decides to shower at the hospital and not go home.
  • flip flops to wear around and take off easily.
  • pillow and blanket for his poor sleep chair.
Tech bag (just my camera bag)
  • Camera.
  • extra memory card.
  • Battery charger.
  • video camera- no I will not video tape the birth, just maybe little snippets of his first days and visitors.
  • cell phones.
  • cell phone chargers.
  • maybe our laptop and charger in case taylor gets bored.
If you have any other things you brought that you thought were good, let me know! But for now I will stick to this list. I have everything laid out on our guest bed so I can visualize it all and can just throw it in a bag when it's go time.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

35 weeks

This week started off with a bang! I had a really upset stomach on saturday night and I have heard that's a symptom of early labor so I had my senses on hyper-alert for any other signs. My hips, low back and pelvis have been really sore and hurting lately and Henry was moving around like he was trying to bust out. I think honestly he was getting positioned to drop, which I'm pretty sure he did. I can feel his little booty and it used to be up in my ribs and now it's dropped down alot. Which I am ok with, he needs at least another week to cook but we are ready for him now (or just about) and I just want to meet him. That being said the further he goes, the healthier he will hopefully be and I think I have already proven that I will suck up the discomforts of pregnancy to do what is best for my baby. The tempting part is that I am getting so burnt out at work, it's so tiring for me to do 12 hours at a time now and I get sore and swollen and worn out and grouchy by the end of a shift these days. Plus all I want to do is be with Taylor lately and I can't do that at work. My hormones are going nuts again and I've been crying alot this week. Mostly from anxiety of getting things done. These potential signs of impending labor got me all worked up and nervous that I wasn't going to have anything done that had to be done before he comes, but we did.

I have big issues with scheduling, planning, organization, to-do lists etc. I think it's because for my entire life until I graduated college I had a ready made plan/schedule for me that was always set. I had split custody as a kid between my mom/stepdad and my dad/stepmom and the courts always made my schedule for me of where and when I would be at a certain family's house. I always knew what day I had to be a certain place and at what time. It sucked but it was predictable and organized and comforting to know what was coming when the rest of my world seemed kind of chaotic. So as an adult I have gone into overdrive trying to create a consistant schedule for myself or at least something where I am in control of what is happening and when, so I know what to expect and always have a plan. It's my one source of control and comfort since I didn't have the control when I was a kid. Now, that being said, it drives Taylor NUTS!!! He likes to be spontaneous and doesn't really ever have a plan. He just flies by the seat of his pants (and his influence has been good for me) but it also drives me crazy! I need to know what our plan it all the time so as you can imagine getting ready for this baby, I've had tons of plans. Plans on when to go to the doctor for appts, plans on when we will get things purchased, plans on how we will set up the nursery. PLANS, PLANS, PLANS.
This week was no exception. I had a to-do list that was literally an entire 8x10 sheet of paper with tiny writing. Things like "vaccuum the entire house" to "magic eraser smudges off the walls" and "organize Henry's dresser". So many things to do but the biggest things were to do our taxes, go to Sam's club to stock up bulk essentials like paper towels, trash bags, toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner. Get our house completely cleaned and spotless etc. Taylor didn't want to do any of that fri or saturday like we had planned so we had to push it all of until sunday. As you can imagine I about had a breakdown about these broken "plans" and honestly it didn't matter, it all got done and it got done well and with good attitudes but it just wasn't what I was thinking and that part makes me crazy. I need to learn to be more spontaneous. Henry is going to be good for me in that way. I don't want to make him a pyscho OCD type-A nut job like I am but I also want him to have a schedule and some consistancy. 

Anyshways, My mom and stepdad came over and had lunch and helped us completely clean our house. We organized everything in Henry's room to finish it up and bathroom and got it completely ready for him. All we need is his chair/ottoman and his shelf above his peg board to complete things, then I can hang his collection of old vintage car signs above the chair and Whallaa!!!  All of his clothes are washed and folded or hung and put away and his closet and entire room smell so good of baby everything. It just is so surreal to me STILL to sit in there and realize that I have a baby coming, my baby coming. I don't know why my mind can't grasp that fact. Am I the only one? Am I in some weird denial or something that I should be concerned about? It's kind of worrysome that it hasnt really hit me yet. I'm not sure it will until he gets here and even then I feel like I might just look at him and be like "really? this one is mine? he doesn't belong to someone else that just went home for the night?"

We got his carseat and stroller bought and put together and I topped it off with this very hungry caterpillar toy that I have been obsessing over for months now.

Tuesday morning Mr. grouch passed his BPP again this week but barely. He was just under the wire at 28 minutes (he gets 30 minutes to do his tricks). Little stinker wouldn't do his last 2 big body rolls.
He was sucking on his hand/arm here.

I can't get enough of this little face either. I'm not sure which is cuter, Cora wanting my ceral or grouchy Henry. Love them!!
Wednesday I went to my regular doctor's appointment and the checked for Group B Strep, a common bacteria found in women that can make the baby sick during delivery (all it means if it's positive is that we get some antibiotics before delivery). She also checked me for dilation during that process and said that I'm just bearly starting to dilate. Yay!! She did tell me that Henry has definitely dropped and is now "engaged in the pelvis" and is at "-2 station". Station is a term used to determine and communicate how low the baby is in the pelvis and how close to delivery it is. You start at -4 station (baby is up high in the uterus in the abdomen) and as baby moves down further the numbers drop to 0 (where baby is at the same level as the pelvic opening) and then start counting up again to +2 station where baby is crowing. So we are making progress just as I thought.
This is where my week got amazing! Friday night my friend Ali and Audra came to town before my baby shower (this was a friends shower thrown by a few of my best friends from college and most of them live across the state of Kansas). They came to KC after work and stayed with us friday night. Also my Aunt and Uncle came to town from Colorado for the KU game so we had dinner with them which was great. We miss them dearly!
Saturday we got up early (Taylor went to work) and the girls and I went to starbucks for breakfast, and then the grocery/liquor store to get snacks and stuff for sangria for my baby shower. We got home and made an incredible spread of healthy food and a big batch of sangria.
 Here is the whole spread :)
 WE had fresh fruit, chocolate dipped strawberries, a yummy salsa dip with all sorts of veggies.

 We had a big tray of veggies and ranch dip.
 Crackers and cheese and amazingly cute cookies and cupcakes.

 Get a load of how cute these are! "H" cookies in his room colors, mustache and bowtie cupcakes and tie cookies. I can't get over how great these are and how yummy they tasted.

 The girls had everyone put a baby feet stamp on a calendar on the date they think baby Henry is going to come with their name. It will be fun to see who was right!
 They also had a basket of diapers and people could write fun notes or advice on them for middle of the night diaper changes. The things on them were HILARIOUS!
 Here is a cup of the sangria that I wanted sooooo bad. It had green apples, oranges, lemon, lime, raspberries, apple pucker, moscato, champagne, and peach wine. YUM! It smelled amazing.
 We got so many amazing gifts. But this one was by far the cutest! My friend Sarah made us a motorcycle out of diapers, bibs, scratch mittons, a bottle, play keys and a teddy bear. LOVE IT

After the shower the girls took me to get a mani/pedi. I got soft pink with a gold glitter accent nail on my fingers.
And pinkish red glitter on my little swollen sausage toes.

Here is my group of Emporia girls from my shower.
Chalkboard time!

How far along? 35 weeks, baby is the size of a coconut?! OMG this is getting ridiculous, I get these fruit/veggie size comparisons from my "the bump" app and I have never seen a 17-18inch, 5-6lb coconut. Try again the bump, you're drunk.
Total weight gain: 12 pounds total now.
Maternity clothes? keepin what I've got, some of maternity shirts are getting short though bc my belly is so big.
Sleep: I wake up all the time to go to the bathroom and I have to toss and turn because my hips hurt me but oh well, better sleep than I am sure I will get in a few weeks. 
Best moment this week: Getting the rest of our stuff for munchkin and getting his room and our house all organized! I LOVE ORGANIZATION! WOO HOOO
Miss Anything? Moving around without feeling like I'm going to fall apart.
Movement: He really isn't actually kicking much anymore, he just makes big rolling body movements.
Food cravings: Arby's roast beef sandwich, peppermint mochas again and of course orange juice.
Symptoms: My hips, pelvis and lower back are very sore, I think he is scooting down and getting ready. Out of breath all the time, lower energy level and some swelling in my legs.
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now. I don't think it's going to pop, I had a freakishly deep belly button to start.
Wedding rings on or off? still on but they get a little snug at the end of the day or if I walk with my hands down for a long time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy now that things are done and we are ready for him but I had alot of anxiety this week about getting my massive to do list done so I cried alot.
Looking forward to: My baby shower on saturday! and hitting 36 weeks. That means he can go to full term nursery instead of the NICU if he is born after saturday and he is healthy enough. YAY! HUGE HUGE milestone.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Henry's Nursery Tour

One of the things I have heard from the second people found out I was pregnant was "OMG I can't wait to see what you do with the nursery!!" I think people know how crafty and creative I am (and how addicted to pinterest I am) so therefore, they think my nursery is going to be killer from second one. Now I will admit, I am obsessed with it and very proud of our work in it. It's definitely my favorite room in our house. I love all the tiny details in there and meaningful things. It's my happy place. So without further ado, here are the pictures of the room almost completely done. I will tell you where I got each peice and such too so if you want to replicate you can!

Here is his crib wall. We got the large white frames half off at hob-lob, got the pics off the internet and blew them up to poster size at Sam's club for $5. The crib is nebraska furniture mart (remember the cribtastrophe...worth it). The hanging airplane was a steal at home goods. The left turn only sign was half off at hob-lob so was his "Ford" pillow. My grandmother, my mom and I made his car comforter, pillow, curtain (needs to be bigger, we are making a new one) and crib skirt. Easy! The dog was mine when I was little. White canvas curtains from target.

 Trashcan from walmart, and small airplanes and trucks to the left of the crib will go on shelves, all found at antique stores or hob-lob.

The little polar bear is filled with corn kernals and can be heated up in the microwave or frozen to comfort baby. LOVE IT

 This is probably my favorite part of the room so far. This is his dresser that I got at Vintage market 4 years ago for $80. His changing mat was from a friend for $2 and I have several covers just in case. Taylor installed the peg board onto a frame and then onto the wall. I love it!! There will be a shelf above this to finish it off soon. It will have a stuffed animal or two, a framed sono picture, a few of his small trucks and airplanes etc.

Here is a close up of the whole board. I still am not 100% sure everything will stay where it is but that's the beauty of pegboard. I have a million hooks and pegs so I can move things whereever I want! The pennant banners are from my baby shower that my sister made.  The baskets were from joann crafts half off. The dog is from our gender sono and when pressed plays Henry's recorded heartbeat. There are a bunch of cute burp rags rolled up for easy access too. The monster painting I made. The vintage wrench was $10 at Vintage Market and so is the letter H. The Henry picture is actually the puzzle that I made my parents put together for Christmas to find out his name. My mom glued it together and framed it. The Clock was half off at hob-lob. The Vintage Ford thermometer was a find a long time ago for Taylor.  The bottom basket has a wipes container for easy access during diaper changes. I love that it is out of my way and off the counter.

This Ford container is from hob-lob and has baby powder (which I doubt I ever use), baby lotion, a spot for a hand sanitizer pump, boogie wipes and thermometer, destin tub and pacifiers. The bolt is actually a planter for outside that I got in the garden section at hob-lob (you guessed it, half off) I'm not sure what I will put in there yet. And the vintage truck was super cheap at an antique store my mom found.

The bin is from hob-lob (half off) and holds all our diapers.

The clock is staying for now but it was also half off at hob-lob (no I don't pay full price for anything there, I refuse. I wait patiently or use coupons)

 This wall is going to be awesome. His closet door is on the left, his bedroom door to the hallway is on the right. The small part of wall on the left will have a collection of vintage car signs that we have collected for a long time for Taylor that is donating so lovingly to Henry. We are waiting to hang them until the chair/ ottoman comes in so we can decide how high to put them. It will look sort of like a gallery wall. The wall on the right will be the future home of a 2 foot tall rusted metal letter H that is on it's way.

The rocking chair was mine when I was little and will be soon replaced with his chair/ottoman and we will move the little rockers somewhere else. The Beautiful Henry blanket was a gift from my dear friend Kathy at work and is the first thing we have with his name on it:) It makes my heart happy. The lamp was $5 at a garage sale that I spray painted green. The basket was a gift from my baby shower filled with books.
 Underneath the lamp is a jar full of vintage matchbox cars that were actually my stepdad's toys when he was little.

 The old blue car was actually my grandpa's toy when he was little! The H is from hob-lob.

This is closet. I have diapers and wipes stashed on top. The clothing dividers separate clothing by size for him. The hamper was from home goods for $16 (I needed some chevron in my life, Taylor hates it, it makes him "dizzy") The brown baskets will actually go downstairs into a peice of furniture in our living room that holds three of them. One will have diapers/wipes and a changing mat. Another will hold burp rags and swaddling blankets and the third will hold misc baby stuff. That way my living room can have easily accessible baby items but not look like a daycare center.

I think I eventually want baskets on his shelves too I like the clean look of a basket vs. the cluttered look of a shelf, just haven't found anything I love yet. The top shelf has all sorts of nursing and feeding supplies. The second shelf is misc stuff like my moby baby carrier wrap and some portable changing pads. The third shelf has stuffed animals and "lovies" or snuggly things. The fourth shelf has folded diaper rags and swaddling blankets, most will be split up between the basket in the living room, underneath the basinette in our room, in our diaper bags etc. The bottom has his bumbo seat and feeding tray.
 The navy and brown baskets I got from home goods for $7 each. The hold bibs, socks/shoes, hats, toys like rattles and teethers,  and the last one has misc stuff. I will be making cute labels for each bin to make organization a breeze for my dear sweet husband.

The letter H is made of buttons and my good friend Kent made it for me for my baby shower. The tool box was a find my grandma's basement.
 The green rug came as a set of 2 (one for his sink and one for his bath tub) for $7 at home goods.

 This is the closeup of the airplane we hung.
This is in our room. I got this lamp and shade from Walmart for $10 so I can have some soft light readily available for middle of the night feedings without waking Taylor. His basinette I bought from my friend Amy for a great deal .

I think we are officially ready! Hope you enjoyed the tour. If you have any questions about anything you have seen please let me know! I also am happy to share all my antique store hot spots, most are unknown hidden gems that I am obsessed with and will be happy to share.

Friday, February 14, 2014

34 weeks

THIS WEEK (mostly) SUCKED!!!!!
I worked 3 in a row this weekend because it was my regular scheduled weekend. Before I went in to work friday night I went to the scrub store, all of my scrub pants fit everywhere but in the belly. I have been wearing them under my baby bump around my hips and they have started to get really tight because this kid is sitting so low. They dug into me when I sat down and it made work miserable. I was really trying not to buy new scrubs but it was time. I can't be miserable for the last 6 weeks. I asked the girl at the counter to help me find some pairs with comfy waist bands (I was told they don't make maternity scrub pants) and she showed me a whole rack of them with the super soft elastic tummy panel! Not only do they stay up better than wearing my old ones around my hips but they are SOOOOO COMFORTABLE!! It changed my life. Seriously. But while I was trying on the first pair I spotted my first teeny tiny little stretch mark under my belly. Sigh. Buying bigger pants and seeing stretch marks and walking into a 3 night weekend just made me so bummed. I almost cried on the way to work that night. Stupid hormones.

I did fine the first 2 nights and had a good assignment all weekend but sunday night as I sat in one of our recliners to feed a baby a bottle, my scrub pant leg got pulled up and I saw my ankles, which were massive! I really have had very minimal swelling to this point but they were almost overflowing over the edge of my tennis shoes. Gross. I also started to put 2 and 2 together that I had had a splitting headache all night (I thought I was tired and sick of the stimulating noise of the NICU). Then I went to the bathroom and noticed my legs had broken out in what looked like broken blood vessels (petichiae).

my broken blood vessels on my leg and my second hospital bracelet this pregnancy.

I wasn't sure if it was because my legs were so big or not but I went over to Mother/ Baby and had my friends over there take my blood pressure. It was high for me but not concerningly high so I decided I should call my doctor to let her know my new symptoms but didn't want to go home and drive in monday morning traffic for 45 minutes just to have them call me back and tell me to come back into the office to check me out if they needed to. So I just walked over to the Medical office building to talk to my dr.'s nurse about it and show her my legs and have her retake my pressure. She said it was a little high and I had some protein in my urine (not a good sign) so she sent me to triage to have L&D check me out to be sure I wasn't starting to show signs of pre-eclampsia. They were wonderful to me, they met me at the door with my ID band, had me in a gown, with blood drawn and urine sample and the baby hooked up to the monitor within 10 minutes of walking in the door. They never figured out why my legs looked that way but one of the questions they asked was "have you shaved your legs recently? (thinking it was razor burn or irritation from that) and I said "unfortunately for you, I clearly have not shaved in at least a week" They laughed at me. But one thing I learned from that experience is to keep your legs shaved and your toes painted toward the end of your pregnancy, you never know when the kid will come and I was embarassed my red nailpolish on my toes that is horribly chipped was still on  FROM CHRISTMAS!! Eek, I normally paint my toes all the dang time so they look pretty but it's winter and I'm pregnant. Needless to say I was embarrassed so I painted them blue for boy the next day just in case. **Ignore my swollen sausage toes and feet, you are supposed to be looking at the blue polish remember**

Anyshways, I was fine with being checked out just to be sure until I had some pretty high blood pressures and they came in with juice and crackers and peanut butter because Henry was being naughty (big shocker I know). Then I started to get worried. But eventually my pressures went back down, my labs came back borderline for pre-eclampsia and they sent me home to do a 24 hour urine catch to make sure. I finally got to go home after being at the hospital for 16 hours and awake for 20. I walked out to my car in the 10 degree weather and it wouldn't start! My battery was dead (no, I didn't leave my lights on, they turn off automatically, my battery was the original one and finally just kicked it in the cold). So of course the natural reaction to being stuck at work, alone, with a naughty baby, a splitting headache and being a cold exhausted pregnant woman was to lose it. I started bawling hysterically. I was just done and all I wanted was my husband and my bed and now I couldn't have either. I called police and safety and just as I did, my phone died (with no way to charge it because my car charger obviously wouldn't turn on). They came and jumped my car about 30 minutes later and I started digging in my bag for my parking ticket to get out of the garage and sliced my finger open on the paper. OUCH! I started crying again and then the parking attendent gave me a hard time for leaving the garage past 10am (employees are only allowed to park there at night). I was crying, and showed her my hospital bracelet and told her I was in L&D bc my baby was being naughty and to just let me out. She tried to charge me $6.00 for not having my ticket validated as a patient. I screamed at her through tears "Just let me go home!!!!" and she opened the gate and looked at me like I was a pyscho. DON'T MESS WITH ME LADY! So as a reward for my troubles my wonderful husband took me to J. Alexander's (our favorite resteraunt) to celebrate the 4 year anniversary of our first date, Valentine's day and maybe our last fancy date night out before the nugget arrives. Just what the doctor ordered.

The next day I had my scheduled BPP to check on Henry and for once my squishy little man did his tricks quickly and passed his test and I felt reassured. My 24 hour urine catch came back normal so I dodged the bullet for now.
I love him already


I worked wednesday and thursday night without trouble, the swelling in my legs has been minimal, thank god! I got a few treats this week from friends. The first is a set of adorable burp cloths and a bib from a friend of mine that has an etsy shop. Check her out at "Isla Rose Boutique" on etsy. The bip is backed with soft minky and is so well made and soft!

I also got a beautiful blanket that my dear friend Kathy had made for us. It's a soft minky fabric with Henry's name on it, the first thing we have with his name! I'm obsessed with it, it matches his room perfectly with the theme and colors. THANK YOU KATHY!
We watched KSU beat KU on tuesday and my last KSU shirt that still "fits" is getting pretty dang snug. I think I can squeeze into it for a few more games but that's about it.
Wednesday we got our maternity pictures taken and this is our sneak peak! I am so excited to see the rest and how they turned out!
And I took this when we got home from the maternithy pics, just feeling inspired.
And my good friend Johanna is incredible with crochet and made me these two hats for the nugget's newborn pictures! I can't wait!

The best news of the week is that today was PAYDAY!!!! I went to home goods and got some baskets for the man-child's shelf under his hanging clothing to put hats, socks, bibs, etc. (I love organization).  AND dont judge me on the amount of clothing, they are sizes newborn through 24 months. Only a handful of things in each size.

I got him a hamper

Some sage green rugs for his by his bathroom sink and tub
And a cute big brown rusty metal airplane to hang with his other two over his corner of his room from fishing line as a set of 3.

We are deciding which of these signs we will ulimately hang in a gallery wall style on his wall (Taylor collect's them so we had a bunch). We will for sure use the left turn only sign and the vintage ford motor sign but still working on the rest.

I'm still searching near and far for cloth containers for his drawers to divide them up for different things so they are organized and everything has a spot. Haven't found any I love yet though :/ Something like this.

Tommorrow my best friend and maid of honor Katie is coming over to hang out with me and maybe help get some things done, then my momma is coming over on sunday to help me deep clean my house again before my last baby shower the following weekend and to finish organizing Henry's nursery. I Can't wait! !!! eek!

And last but not least. A video of the beast trying to break free!


How far along? 34 weeks, baby is the size of a butternut squash. I'd say that's a pretty large squash though....
Total weight gain: I gained 2 lbs this week (I think mostly in swelling and fluid retention though). I am now 9 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? I finally broke down and bought a few pairs of scrub pants.
Sleep: Off and on, just waking up all the freakin time to pee.
Best moment this week: Making sure little man is ok.
Miss Anything? alcohol! I have been craving a margarita or a glass of wine again. And being to go up stairs without panting like I've run a marathon.
Movement: Still movin strong, he is running out of room though, he is head down and his booty is up in my ribs and he turns himself from side to side so he can kick out because he is too long now to kick up anymore. Sometimes it's uncomfortable when he flips around, he is stretching my belly out big time.
Food cravings: Orange juice, avoiding the acid reflux for now thank god. I don't know what I would do without it. It seriously is ridiculous. Donuts and chinese food.
Symptoms: tossing and turning when I sleep, peeing all the time, swelling ankles and feet, feeling huge (is that a symptom?), shortness of breath, low energy. this sharp stabby feeling in my crotch when I get up from laying down (doctor says he is laying low and everything is stretching and getting ready. YIKES! Sore hips, braxton hicks contractions are pretty frequent now when I'm at work.
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now. I don't think it's going to pop, I had a freakishly deep belly button to start.
Wedding rings on or off? still on but they get a little snug at the end of the day or if I walk with my hands down for a long time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I had a rough couple days this week so I cried alot
Looking forward to: This weekend. Next weekend for  my baby shower with all my friends. I just can't wait to see everyone.  And hitting the 36 week mark so that he is techinically full term.