Saturday, November 16, 2013

21 weeks...lots of pics.

This past week was CRAZY!!! We had all of our family come into town Thursday night and stay until Monday for my cousin Rachel's wedding. It was so much fun to have everyone together. I get high on family time. Nothing is better in my mind. The nugget must have loved it all too because he has really started kickin like crazy. It's at least once an hour that I feel him now and I just can't get enough. I honestly can't wait to feel him again even if it's been a few minutes ago. It just amazes me because I was seriously worried that I would never get to have that feeling and to know he is real and he is growing and getting strong and doing well just makes me so emotional. I'd be lying if I said I had not cried a few times just laying here feeling him move. But enough chatter. Pictures say 1000 words so on to the weekend pictures!!!
We had everyone over to our house for dinner on Friday night. There were twenty something people there and it was awesome.
Not sure if David was making this face on purpose but it's still funny. These are my cousins. Brianna, Staci and David.
Cousins: Elizabeth, Brianna and Peter
Grandma Janet and my sister Erika
Staci and David looking at our wedding album
Uncle Bob with Brianna, David and Staci
Me and Rachel with the painting I did for her.
Elizabeth and Rachel
The Ogren Family
Uncle Mark and his girls.
My cute parents.
The Aunts threw Rachel a shower Saturday morning. Aunt Betsy, Aunt Annette, Aunt Carol and my mom.
Some of the girls eating breakfast.
Watching Rachel open gifts.
We got to embarrass Rachel by asking her a question about her and/ or Marcus while our gift was being opened.
The girls
Me and my momma and my sissy, (and Baby S.)
Staci and Brianna
The girls playing with Presley

 Saturday we went to the plaza and walked around and then had the rehersal dinner catered by Oklahoma Joe's mmmm.
The Beautiful reception

 The table set
 The barn wall and smore's bar
 Cake and cupcakes.
 The card table.
The wedding was in the apple orchard. It was so pretty.
The moms lighting the unity candles.

My cousin Peter married them.

Uncle Mark giving his little girl away.

I love this pic!

 The served hot apple cider and had caramel apples for the favors. Baby was happy with these decisions.

 Being girls....

That's about it for this week. It was such an epic weekend but man I was exhausted when everyone left.
Chalkboard time.


How far along? 21 weeks, baby is the size of a Pomegranate
Total weight gain: I've gained a few more pounds this week. total of -8 now. The wedding and all our company helped with that. My belly is getting big and I don't think it's all real baby this week, I think food baby is involved here.

Maternity clothes? Yep, ordered a few more things from Zulily this week.
Sleep: I am gonna cave and buy myself a maternity pillow so I can sleep more comfortably.
Best moment this week: My cousin's wedding and all our family in town.
Miss Anything? Spiking my cider at the wedding at the cider bar and all of my family now that they have all gone home :(
Movement: Oh yeah, He is super active this week. I don't have to lay around anymore to try and feel him, it just happens at all times during the day and it's so much fun to have the constant reassurance he is in there saying "Hey momma, I'm ok!"
Food cravings: Nothin special.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still doin great with the sickness thing.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Stuffy nose again, stretching belly (but no stretch marks yet thank god). Not much else though
Belly Button in or out? in but getting much much more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! I loved having everyone in town this week and celebrating Rachel and Marcus's wedding with them.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery (we are getting started) and finding his furniture and the holidays!

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