Monday, August 26, 2013

10 weeks

I am 10 weeks now and had a rough week this week. My nausea was much better but I have heard horror stories quite a bit this week about seeing a heartbeat at 8 weeks and then having a 12 week sonogram and nothing seeing one again. I am terrified of the "M word" and refuse to say it but it has been in the back of my mind all week. I think hormones definitely play into that. I was also getting nervous because my anti-nausea meds were working so well that I was hardly ever getting sick anymore. So I did the reasonable thing.... I stopped taking them for 2 days to see if I was still having morning all day sickness. This all along has been a good sign of a strong pregnancy for me and as much as it sucks to go through, it's a constant reminder of the baby in my belly. It took 2 full agonizing days but the sickness came back with a vengeance. Yesterday was aweful, but gave me a large piece of mind and I am back on my anti-nausea meds and moving forward with the determination to be positive and grateful for each day that we are closer to our next ultrasound. Sept 10th by the way.

Not much has gone on around here this week other than that, both Taylor and I are just working and sleeping basically. I got to sleep in today after being at the hospital and in meetings for 14 hours yesterday and will be working on some Etsy orders so I can get that off my slate. Other than that, the only big thing we have going on this week is that we are going to the Royal's game on Saturday night with all of my girlfriends from college and their significant others. It's our first Royal's game of the season which is sad because it's August for pete sake, but none the less, we are going!

Here are some pics from the Game!

How far along? 10 weeks, baby is the size of a prune
Total weight gain:down a total of  14 lbs. but not losing as quickly anymore I think.
Maternity clothes? I have been living in scrub pants and yoga pants this week so when I put on jeans again I will let you know for sure how they fit, so far no maternity clothes needed.
Sleep: I LOVE SLEEP and I am really really good at it.
Best moment this week: Royal's game on Saturday! 
Miss Anything? nope, not really this week.  
Movement: WAAY too soon still.
Food cravings: Hot dog and soft pretzel with cheese mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING basically
Gender: No idea, we will be thrilled either way. I am going to make them guess at our 12 week sono
Symptoms: not many this week
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: really emotional this week and a little stressed out but sooo soo happy that we are still moving forward in our pregnancy! I can't believe I am already 10 weeks.
Looking forward to: Still want my belly to "pop" and to get to my 12 week mark for our next sonogram. And being done with my progesterone pills.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, happy 10 Weeks! Look how fast the time is flying! Lots of love xxx
