Monday, July 29, 2013

6 weeks and the BIG reveal!

Today I am 6 weeks pregnant. Today WE are 6 weeks pregnant!
Taylor never understood why people say "we are pregnant". He always said "but babe, he isn't pregnant, HE is waiting, his WIFE is pregnant, not him"......until now. I heard him say it the other day and didn't make a big fuss over it, but WE are pregnant, WE are expecting our first baby and WE are excited!

This week we have our first sonogram, still with the reproductive endocrinologist's office since I am still considered "high risk". I love these girls, they helped god make a miracle and I am so excited to get to share this first moment with them, people I know and love and who are celebrating with me, with US about this baby. Taylor gets to come with me and we will be 6 weeks and 1 day. I have read all over the internet and in my book "what to expect...." that by 6 weeks you could see a heartbeat. It might be too early to see that tiny little flicker still but it might not and we are praying praying praying we see it. That tiny little blinking spot that means our baby is alive and it's heart is beating. I would be lying if I said I wasn't extremely nervous. I know a lot can happen still but I feel positive and I have lots of prayer warriors praying for this baby to be healthy and strong.

Even more prayer warriors because....We told our parents yesterday!
We went to Taylor's parents house in the afternoon like we usually do, nothing out of the norm. Except we put this T-shirt on Cora. A T-shirt that said "I'm the BIG sister March 2014". We let Cora in the house and they noticed her T-shirt, read it and didn't really say anything, looks of confusion all over their faces. We took them outside to let Cora run around and let it sink in a little bit and handed them a giftbag with orange tissue paper. They opened it together and pulled out a tiny onesie painted with the OSU logo and "Go Pokes" on it. Monte looked at us and said "What? Wait? Really?" we told them they were going to be grandparents and Shawn turned around and started fun!!

Then we took Cora back home and went to my parents house for Steve's birthday dinner. I brought my camera over and had it sitting on the hutch, Erika picked it up and started looking through my memory card (filled with chalkboard pictures and pictures of pregnancy tests). I took it away quickly and told her she can't see yet. She looked at me funny and knew something was up so we took her out to the car and had her open her giftbag. She started tearing up and gave us huge hugs, she said "I feel like I need to cry but I can't let mom know yet!" We told her our plan and went inside. We had dinner with everyone there, Mom, Steve, Grandma Janet, Don, Uncle Mark, Erika, Marcus, Rachel and the two of us. When dinner was done we had Steve open his present.... He pulled a tiny onesie with "grandpa's little piglet" written on it and the Arkansas razorback on it. They all looked at us confused as well. My mom's jaw was on the floor. We told them that we were pregnant and they about died! Everyone hugged us and was so excited. We then let my mom and Erika open their onesies and my mom started crying!

 You can't really see my stomach in this picture but trust me there isn't anything to see yet.

How far along? 6 weeks, baby is the size of a pea!
Total weight gain: down another pound -4 total.
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Sleep: Still exhausted.
Best moment this week: Telling our parents! Soooo fun!
Miss Anything? Still wine lol
Movement: WAAY too soon
Food cravings: Ice cream!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular this week.
Gender: No idea, we will be thrilled either way. 
Symptoms: Some intermittent nausea, just really tired.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & EXCITED to say the least! A little anxious to get the first ultrasound done and tell everyone else
Looking forward to: Our Ultrasound!

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