Friday, January 15, 2016

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks, baby is the size of a pineapple
Total weight gain: 16-17lbs depending on the day
Maternity clothes? whatever fits, comfy is the name of my game lately. Think leggings, yoga pants, t-shirts.
Sleep: Sleeping well when I crash and having to pee every 2-3 hours so I get interrupted but luckily I am able to nap anytime Henry does still so that's good.
Best moment this week: Working on getting ready for E.J.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach, moving at my normal pace.
Movement: Still a ton, she rolls all over and I think she is realizing she is out of room.
Food cravings: I honestly haven't craved sugar as badly this week. Peanut butter and pickles for sure though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are super sore and my lower back too. I can tell things are getting ready for this babe.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, I cried to Taylor this week just because I was being an emotional wreck. I am so excited for her to be here but I truley don't feel like myself and it was really getting to me.
Looking forward to:
Seeing baby E twice! We have our fun sono scheduled with Peeps for tomorrow and then a growth sono at my doctor on tuesday. I can't wait to see her and see if we can tell if she has hair. YAY! Then we are going to Sam's club on sunday to get all things stocked up before baby and that will make me feel more prepared for her.

What we did this week:
We really made some good progress on Eleanor's room this week. We got all of her flowers hung above her crib, her shelf and pegs hung on her wall and decorated, her iron medallion hung on the wall and her bow holder hung by her sink. The last thing we have to do is get pulls for her dresser (harder to find that I had hoped). Hang her gallery wall but I am kind of waiting on purpose to make sure I have everything I want for it before I do it and finish her chair cover.
 This little shelf is just a place for her "pretties". She has my silver baby cup and silverwear, her heart beat bunny from the sono where we found out she was a girl and that dress was mine when I was a baby and I made the tutu. We hung her curtains and the crystal finials match the chandelier perfectly.

Speaking of which, I started working on it. I don't know if I mentioned this project on here before, so I will kind of start with how this started. Henry has an awesome chair in his room that we bought before he was born to match his nursery. Chocolate brown. My thought was that I could use it for his room and in our living room or common areas later when the kids don't need it in a nursery anymore. I didn't think about having a girl that much (because I didn't think it would ever happen) and I don't like slip covers. I think they fit poorly if you can find one that fits at all and to find one with a matching ottoman that fits, forget about it. So I thought well, I have a sewing machine. I know how to use it. I'm crafty and surely this can't be that difficult, just like a big puzzle. So I got on Pinterest and found tons of tutorials that make it look easy, time consuming, but not difficult and lots of youtube videos that do the same and went and bought the fabric before I chickened out. I started working on it on thursday when Henry was at Kid's day out. I made cording for the trim where it already exists on the chair and then I cut out a peice of fabric the size of the top of the ottoman and pinned the cording to it where it exists on the current chair and sewed it on. That's as far as I have gotten because I had to go pick up Henry but I plan to keep working on it alot in the next few days. Taylor is going ice fishing in northern minnesota with clients of his on a business trip at the end of next week so I will have a few nights alone after Henry goes to sleep to work on it and a few nap times too. 

I picked Henry up from school on thur and it was so warm and sunny we had to stop at the park and let him play. 

That night I had my sprinkle shower this week for Eleanor. A few girls and I went to dinner at the cheesecake factory to celebrate this little peanut and had a yummy dinner and got the sweetest gifts. Such a sweet gesture. 

And because Henry is so damn cute. Some more pics of him. 

 And one of eleanor this week just for fun :)

Friday, January 8, 2016

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks, baby is the size of a winter squash
Total weight gain: 16lbs (lost 2 more this week, thanks again suga free diet)
Maternity clothes? whatever fits
Sleep: I've actually slept pretty darn well this week.
Best moment this week: Working on Eleanor's room, spending lots of time with Henry since I didn't work during the week at all.
Miss Anything? SUGAR, wine, not peeing every 5 seconds. Being able to breathe like a normal person lol
Movement: Tons and tons, she starts at 8pm every single night with her big rolling movements
Food cravings: I'll give you one guess....
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are super sore and my lower back too. I can tell things are getting ready for this babe.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to:
My sprinkle next week

What we did this week:
I worked on the spray paint project of the flowers and the iron peices. All of the flowers are done now and I just need one more coat on the two iron peices. 

 I decorated the centers of the flowers with rhinestones and crystals to make them extra fun.

Taylor finished her bow holder for me and I put all of her headbands and bows on it. Now we just need to hang it and her bathroom area is finished. I found some wooden dragon flies at the lobby and painted them in shades of purples and glitter. I'm going to hide them by her light switches and around her room and in her gallery wall. I also made her clothing dividers like I made Henry and used the dragon flies to decorate those as well. I need to add the labels on them and put them on her closet rod. 

I organized her closet and put all of her clothing away after I washed it all and inhaled the dreft smell for probably a lot longer than I needed to. I washed her extra sheets and filled her dresser with her onesies and pants and extra stuff. Her room is pretty close to done, just hanging things on the walls and covering her chair and we will be finished.

I had a dentist appt on tuesday (28.5 years no cavities, thank you very much). And an OB appt on wednesday. Everything looked great. Her heartrate was 145 and she is head down still. THANK GOD. She just better stay that way. Dr. Steinbis said my increasing pelvic and hip pain and swelling is all normal to be happening this early in pregnancy for my second round and my braxton hicks that are all the time are normal too.

Thursday we went to dinner at the peanut and I had some sharp stabbing pain at the top of my belly right before dinner started that lasted through dinner. I has having lots of braxton hicks through dinner too and I could barely walk when we left the table because my back and pelvis hurt so bad. The contractions continued and started to get painful and that abdominal pain didn't let up. We went home, took a bath, drank a ton of water and started timing them and they didn't go away so I called L&D to find out guidelines for pre-term labor and when I needed to come in and they said that I should come get checked. Remember, I have never had contractions in my front, just tightening from braxton hicks, all of the real deal stuff just felt like period cramps and back pain because I had back labor so bad with Henry and then I got my epidural before he turned and the back labor let up so I couldn't feel them in my front of my tummy. Taylor's parents came over and hung out (Henry was already in bed) and we drove in. I got to triage and saw one of my favorite nurses and started to get all teary and choked up, I knew I was in good hands then but I was also scared to death. 30weeks and 5days means a lot more to me than a random person off the street. Taylor asked me what 30weeks meant as far as babe and I told him we weren't even going to talk about it.
I got hooked up to the monitors and they started doing tons and tons of tests. I had swabs done and they checked to make sure I wasn't dilating. I also did a urine sample and they took a bunch of blood just to check everything out. They put Eleanor on the monitor too and made sure she was tolerating my contractions, which she was, thank god. The contractions started to slow as they had me sit there and watch me and then when they told me I could go but they had to show the attending my contraction strip, he said that based on how they had picked up and how frequent they were that he wanted an IV and another hour or so on the monitor and a bag of fluids started to make sure I was good and hydrated and that wasn't causing more issues. Sure enough they slowed down a little with the fluids and they think I was just a little more dehydrated than I thought I was. No idea what the sharp pain was from but it started to go away over night and hasn't been back since. I was told to take it easy (yeah right, I have a 21mo son at home and I work) and keep hydrated. Definitely quite a scare but I'm glad all is okay and things have slowed down. 

This week we also celebrated Taylor's dad's birthday and even though I don't eat sugar anymore I made this amazing cake since he LOVE swiss cake rolls. 
You take a bowl, line it with plastic wrap, cut the swiss cake rolls into slices about 1/2" thick and start in the bottom center and lay them all the way around and up the sides. Fill the middle with softened ice cream and place plastic wrap on top and freeze it. Flip it over after a few hours, take off the bowl and plastic wrap and slice. YUM. 

Grandma and Grandpa got to put him to bed that night too which they all really enjoyed. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks, baby is the size of a papaya
Total weight gain: 18lbs (lost 2 this week, thanks suga free diet)
Maternity clothes? whatever fits
Sleep: Not enough that's all I can say.
Best moment this week: Working on Eleanor's room
Miss Anything? SUGAR, wine, not peeing every 5 seconds. Being able to breathe like a normal person lol
Movement: Tons and tons, she starts at 8pm every single night with her big rolling movements
Food cravings: I'll give you one guess....
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are sore, things are a movin' around.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to:
My appt on wednesday to see how babe is doing. It's been a month and I get a little antsy.

What we did this week:
My mom and I went to hobby lobby to look for knobs and pulls for E's dresser. Found two pretty sparkly flower knobs but no pulls we loved, I'll keep looking.
I also needed something for above her crib and my sister helped me look for something unique and pretty. She found these white massive paper flowers that were amazing but the etsy shop owner wanted $375, uh yeah right. I found tutorials all over youtube and pinterest how to make them and you all know I'm crafty so I was going to attempt it. Until my mom saw some metal flowers at "the lobby" on sale 50% and we started playing around with them. We made cluster after cluster of all different ones on the floor in the aisle and finally found a collection we liked and decided to spray paint them all white. She also helped me find an iron scrolly piece to go over her gallery wall to kind of tie everything in and a huge iron scrolly medallion for her blank wall that I would spray white as well. Success!!
The colored ones are the metal ones we bought, the white are the paper we used as inspiration.

That night Taylor and I went to dinner at J. Alexander's (our favorite restaurant) and a movie, Star Wars. It was a blast to get to have that time together. We so desperately need dates and especially with baby E coming, we need to take advantage of the ease of our sitters (our family) only having one child with a set schedule and me not breastfeeding to get those in. Super important.