Sunday, November 29, 2015


When we do thanksgiving, we do it big okay? My mother-in-law LOVES thanksgiving. That is HER holiday. She has mastered all the recipes and gets so excited about having the big dinner every year. Taylor's dad is too impatient to wait all day smelling the turkey so they eat at noon every year. Trust me, I am fine with it. That means we get up early and go over there and eat and hang out and nurse our tryptophan coma's afterward and then casually meander toward my parents house for round two at dinner time. I was in charge of bringing mashed potatoes and a dessert this year so Hankers helped me make the pioneer woman's pumpkin gingersnap caramel cheesecake.

I think he approves of the batter.

 Don't worry, once I smothered the top with caramel you couldn't see those cracks anymore.
 The next day was the big turkey feast x2. Hankers was preparing himself watching the parade.
 Look at these little twinsies
Everyone was getting ready and I just waited in my elastic waist maternity pants, thank you very much.


 DING DING Round two....
 My sister had to do a dessert too. She made an apple pie that was gorgeous, complete with a squirrel on top.
 She had already decorated for Christmas so she and my mom could come help me do my house the following day. This is the deer I gave her last year that she put in the living room and decorated. I love it!

 My shirt was a bit snug by the end of the day.

 My mom wanted me to try her dessert wine so I told her I would have a sip and she brought me this. HA!

 As if 2 thanksgiving dinners was not enough, we got prepared to do round 3 the next day. My mom and sister came over and helped me decorate for Christmas which was HUGELY helpful to me. My house is now clean and smells good and is cute for the holidays. I styled my hair for the first time since I got it cut.
 I need some practice but I think it turned out pretty good considering.
 We went to my grandmother's house (my dad's side) and had a massive turkey and all the fixin's

 My grandparents have had these plastic stacking boxes since I was Henry's age and he got to play with them too.

We are thoroughly turkey stuffed now and ready for a long winter's nap before Christmas craziness sets in. :)

24 weeks.

How far along? 24 weeks, baby is the size of an eggplant still (my app is lazy and says this for weeks 22-24)
Total weight gain: 10lbs ( I even weighed the morning of thanksgiving to see what it really was before my 3 turkey meal blowout we had).
Maternity clothes? Nothing new really, just repurposing what I've got in different ways. Loving tunics and leggings of course.
Sleep: I've had a cold this week so If I prop up our fancy remote bed I have slept better but darn those charlie horses still. Grrr
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving. DUH! and Christmas decorating.
Miss Anything? being able to breathe due to my cold and not having to blow my nose constantly.
Movement: Lots and lots and lots. She is a crazy woman. I love that I feel her almost constantly. What an amazing reminder of the gift I'm being given and how lucky I am to have her in there still.
Food cravings: Thanksgiving feast of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: No complains, occasional tingling hands and arms when I fall asleep, sciatic nerve pain hasn't been bad this week and just starting to get out of breath. The things that happen when a baby takes up space in your belly.
Belly Button in or out? Getting pretty shallow these days, I actually wonder if it will pop this time, kinda doubt it though.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, just excited for the holidays and all the fun to come with Christmas and getting ready for Eleanor.
Looking forward to:
Getting our Christmas tree tomorrow as long as Henry is feeling okay. He spiked a fever tonight and with the cold I have been fighting the past week, I can't say I'm horribly surprised. The Tylenol knocked it out pretty quick and he was acting more himself and ate a good dinner so I hope we can keep the sick demons at bay.

What we did this week:
My mom and I got alot of Christmas shopping done last weekend too which was great. I have a few more people to tackle and things to get but otherwise, I've made great progress. Otherwise my mom and sister helped me decorate for Christmas and my house is clean (except my never ending laundry pile). I love that we are getting ready for Christmas again, it doesn't feel like that long ago and with Eleanor coming it's going to fly and so will this next year. Crazy! I need to get the gifts I have already wrapped and ready to go but I'm not in any real rush because thanks to my toddler I will put them out at the last minute. Taylor and I also went to Nebraska furniture mart for an early Christmas to each other and got a deep freezer and this new handy laptop that I am getting great use out of by blogging and updating pics. YAY!

 Taylor's parents put up their Christmas tree and I found this little gem hidden in the branches. So cute!

 My Grandma Janet turned 84 this week too. We took her to dinner at Stroud's.

I hope I live long enough that the number of candles on my cake make it look like a ball of fire....

Happy Halloween 2015

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays as most of you are well aware. I hate anything scary including movies and going to haunted houses but I do love a good ghost story (with the lights on) and I love reading about real haunted places (just not going to them). I love to decorate for Halloween and get costumes and go all out. The little trick or treaters at the door and passing out candy. The yummy themed food and an excuse to have a party. All in good fun!

I started adding little Halloween décor into my house :)

 Target glitter spider garland for the win.

 I bought $40 worth of candy and filled that bucket and it was gone in 2 hours!

I may or may not have helped in the days before.....
 We carved pumpkins like we do every year. I love cooking the pumpkin seeds and crave them every year. Henry loved getting into the goo last year but this year despite all of my efforts he wouldn't touch the pumpkin goo. He just had a blast running around us and trying to steal all of the carving tools. I had my Halloween playlist on and he danced until he about passed out.
 Taylor did the scary face and I made the Royals pumpkin for myself and the despicable me/ minion pumpkin for Henry. He did sit in my lap and watch me carve for awhile

The next day I took the little squirt to Taylor's dad, mom and Taylor's offices for their Halloween parties to show off his costume. He had fun seeing them but didn't really understand what was going on.

 That afternoon he helped me make the cupcakes for the party.

Our annual Halloween open house started at 5pm and people started showing up and didn't leave until 11:30 which was a blast. We had a great turn out of people popping in and out and staying all night. I served pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, yellow cupcakes with vanilla frosting that was colored orange with spider webs on top, rice krispy treats with halloween sprinkles, chili and all the fixin's, chips and guac and salsa, a cream cheese dip, apples with warm caramel and caramel apple sangria. YUM!

 As far as costumes, I had to pick a costume that would be good for my pregnant belly and I finally decided on a "mummy-to-be". I even had eyes and one of Eleanor's orange bows on my belly. I made a skirt out of strips of white lace, white ripped up flat sheet and white guaze and then tied all the strips together and wrapped them around my white long sleeve maternity shirt. EASY. I like to dress up with a theme so I had Henry be a skeleton so he could be comfy and warm in black sweats that I just hot glued white felt "bones" on to and then Taylor was Frankenstein. We got him a sport coat from Savers for $7, I painted it to look dirty with brown paint and he wore slacks and a black shirt and boot covers for his cowboy boots to make them look like frankenstein boots. I painted his face and we stuck "bolts" to his neck. It was great!

  Our guests had amazing costumes too. We had a baby moose (Sawyer) and his mommy was a PETA enforcement person, his daddy was a hunter and his Auntie was a tree.
 My friend Kristen came from work and her son Carson is only 4 days younger than Henry. He was an oompa loompa.
 Kristen was the golden ticket and her husband was Willy Wonka. It was amazing.
 My sister was something ridiculous of course.

Henry had a blast and got to stay up really late playing with all of his friends. We watched the world series game that we won and ran out of candy by 8pm. I would say it was a great success. Taylor and I showered at midnight and fell into bed exhuasted but it was so much fun! Another epic year in the books. Can't wait to do it again as a family of 4.